Made in the Trades: Frequently Asked Questions
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Skilled Trade Organizations and Associations
Here are answers to some of our most popular questions about the skilled trades and/or apprenticeship. If you don’t see a response to a question you have about the skilled trades, contact us at
We will respond to your question(s) and/or refer you to resources.

If you want to become an apprentice, the first step is to find a job in the trade of your choice. Make sure your employer has a qualified journeyperson on staff who can register and train you as apprentice. Keep in mind that companies must adhere to certain ratios of journeypersons-to-apprentices. For example, a qualified journeyperson may not be able to register you as an apprentice if he or she is training other apprentices and/or the company has reached its maximum journeyperson-to-apprentice ratio.
You must be a registered apprentice and secure employment in order to be eligible for apprenticeship training. If you are not a registered apprentice, there are training options available, including pre-apprenticeship programs, public and career college certificate/diploma programs, and private industry training providers. Although these options do not qualify as apprenticeship training, upon completion, they can help you secure employment in the field. In addition, some pre-apprenticeship programs that are funded by the province can include apprenticeship training.
There are many reasons why employers may not hire a job seeker requesting an apprenticeship. One reason is that the company is not eligible to register apprentices because it does not have any (or enough) qualified journeypersons or potential trainers available. To avoid this situation, make sure to ask companies if they have certified journeypersons or potential trainers on staff who are able to enroll and train apprentices. Another reason that employers may not hire an apprentice is because they think that it is too much trouble and/or effort to hire and train apprentices. A way to manage this issue is to learn about all the benefits and financial incentives that exist for employers who hire apprentices and share these findings with companies of interest. For more information about the benefits and incentives for employers, and/or to access help with job searching, contact one of our five Employment Ontario full suite employment centres.
More information on becoming a skilled tradesperson can be found on the Government of Ontario’s Skilled Trades website.
The best way to determine if a company has qualified journeypersons is to call them and ask to speak with the general manager/supervisor, who should be able to provide this information. Other suggested methods include checking company websites for a list of employee qualifications, or searching the Ontario Job Bank for the right workers. Our Employment Ontario employment centres can also help you job search and connect with qualified journeypersons.
Each trade has different required hours for on-the-job training and in-school training. These hours vary depending on the trade. To learn more about required training hours, contact us at or visit the province’s skilled trades website.
It can sometimes be hard tapping into apprenticeship openings. One reason for this could be that companies do not have the required journeyperson-to-apprentice ratio or qualified staff to hire an apprentice. It is important to know that this can impact your job search. Another reason might be that the employer is not fully aware of the benefits of hiring an apprentice. Your job search success will increase once you learn about all the benefits and government incentives for employers and communicate this information when asking about employment opportunities. To get help with your job search, visit one of our five Employment Ontario full suite employment centres.
First, determine if your employer is eligible to register you as an apprentice. Does the company have qualified journeypersons on staff, or someone else who meets the sponsorship eligibility requirements? You can contact an Employment Ontario Apprenticeship office if you are unsure. In addition, does the company have the required journeyperson-to-apprentice ratio? Do they comply with all occupational legislation? If yes to all questions above, you are in a good position to speak to your employer about the benefits and financial incentives involved when hiring an apprentice.
Each trade has specific educational requirements that must be fulfilled prior to apprenticeship registration. Many trades require a Grade 12 diploma, but some will accept candidates who have completed Grade 10. To learn more about educational requirements for apprenticeship, please visit the Government of Ontario’s Skilled Trades website. It is important to know that employers in the trades can develop their own policies relating to educational requirements, which may differ from those of apprenticeship registration. Educate yourself on the educational requirements for the industry in which you are job seeking.
Contrary to popular opinion, there is a great deal of math and science involved in many of the trades. The advantage of apprenticeship training for people who struggle with traditional forms of education is that training is sectioned into shorter intervals (between eight to twelve weeks), with on-the-job training built around the in-class training. This allows students to gain practical, hands-on employment experience to better understand the classroom-based theory and practical components. To learn more about how to prepare yourself for work in the skilled trades, please visit the Government of Ontario’s Skilled Trades website.
If you have many years of experience in your trade and have been exposed to all facets of the job, you may wish to take a Trade Equivalency Examination. These exams will test your knowledge and experience against the provincial industry standards set out for the trade. Whether your experience was acquired in Ontario, out-of-province, or internationally, you may request to challenge the Trade Equivalency Examination by applying for an assessment from the Ontario College of Trades. To assess if you are eligible to complete the Trade Equivalency Examination, you will be asked to gather supporting documents to prove your skills and experience. To learn more about the Trade Equivalency Application process, visit the Skilled Trades Ontario website.

This Employment Ontario service is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.